About Dr. Feinberg

Primary Specialty: Otolaryngology -- Facial Plastic Surgery
Degrees: Bachelor of Architecture, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Medical Education:

Doctor of Medicine
University of California, Los Angeles

Internships: Straight Surgery: UCLA -- Harbor General Hospital
Residencies: Otolaryngology; University of California, Irvine
Board Certifications: American Board of Otolaryngology
Special Training: Nasal Laser Surgery to Correct Nasal Obstruction
Facial Plastic Surgery
Hospital Affiliations: Encino-Tarzana Regional Medical Center (Retired)
UCLA Medical Center Faculty -- Clinical Instructor (1999-2001)
Professional Affiliations: Fellow, American Academy of Otolaryngology (Retired)
Fellow, American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery (Retired)
Member, Los Angeles County Medical Association (Retired)
Member, California Medical Association (Retired)


UCLA School of Medicine: 
Emil Bogen Research Prize for  Outstanding Investigative Creativity



Any information provided on this Web site should not be considered medical advice or a substitute for a consultation with a physician. If you have a medical problem, contact your local physician for diagnosis and treatment.
© 2012 Barry J. Feinberg, M.D.